Contemporary Rugs and Carpets

Contemporary Rugs and Carpets

Contemporary rugs are like a piece of modern art – they often feature bold colors, patterns or even graphics that can be completely out of the ordinary. On a large scale, they adopt an architectural and modern approach and can appear freeform in style.Think of it as everything a traditional rug isn’t. Although these rugs may also feature symmetry and repeating patterns, such patterns often include geometric shapes and bright or contrasting colors. Another clear sign of modern rugs is an asymmetric design.Contemporary rugs typically feature unique textures to bring depth to a room. Like modern, contemporary is a minimalist approach that does not use busy patterns, but unlike modern, contemporary style usually uses more neutral colors to make the room appear more spacious.Rugs are made of softer materials than carpet, usually thick heavy fabrics such as wool or silk. Carpets can be more difficult to maintain and even more difficult to clean due to their size and heavy material, which makes them ideal for rooms where they won’t be moved around often.


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