
Can you customize rugs?

While some designers can weave rugs to your size and shape specifications, others can change color and pattern as well. Below, a few favorites that can be tweaked to suit your space.


How do you put a design on a rug?
You can actually vacuum up the mistake. Before you have to commit to the design which we love. So. It’s just this easy the one tip I would have when you do this is to try to do it in sweeping motion.

Why are custom rugs so expensive?Why are custom rugs so expensive?How much rugs cost is highly dependent on the quality of the rug and the time that went into weaving it. And that is further determined by the knots per square inch of the rug. It’s quite simple- the higher the knot density, the more the time that went into it, and consequently, the higher the price will be.

How long does it take to make a custom rug?

The entire process takes 30 – 90 days depending on the size, design and style of your custom rug.How much is it to make a rug?
Depending on which type of finishing you choose (binding, serging or fringing) and local pricing, the finishing could range between approximately $50 and $100, bringing your rug up an approximate total of $370—a huge difference in overall cost when compared to a pre-made rug.

Can a rug be made from a picture?

Photo rugs are original things to customize. Design your own rug with your photo art or words. This unique custom photo rug is exclusive to us and made to order. Your rug will make a fine housewarming gift or present.